Villa Frankfurt am Main

Photos © Tomasz Marcin Bubella

For this arched staircase made of reinforced concrete with wooden decking, we took our inspiration from the De La Warr Pavilion designed by the architects Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff. The design concept is dominated by Art Déco characteristics. Strong contrasts, precious materials and unusual geometries made this exclusive staircase the architectural heart of a city villa in Frankfurt am Main. The project stands for the highest degree of precision craftsmanship and artistry. We were only able to achieve the shine of the stainless steel banister, which always attracts astonished glances, by polishing the metal by hand. The pictures impressively prove that our efforts were worthwhile.

Type: Curved staircase

Style: Art Déco

Design: markiewicz

Project: RS-95