Wohnsolitär Penthouse

Photos © Tomasz Marcin Bubella

Dresden, the old royal residence and today the capital of Saxony, is still undergoing constant architectural change. Since 2017, the “Wohnsolitär” has been rising into the sky. We felt very honoured when we were commissioned by the construction company FIRA to equip a penthouse of this exciting building with a folding staircase including a glass balustrade. Influenced by the ever-popular Bauhaus style, this stair construction impresses with its minimalism. The clear geometric form and straight lines of the folding staircase blend ideally into the overall appearance of the residential solitaire, which captivates with its cubistically shaped façade. We look back on this great project with sincere gratitude.

Type: Folding staircase

Style: Bauhaus

Design: markiewicz

Project: RS-105